Friday, November 13, 2015

Thanksgiving for the health-conscious, tradition-ambivalent foodie

Thanksgiving is quickly upon us.  In the past, as a singleton, I have created a traditional meal, from scratch, for 15 people.  It was so much fun!  It was delicious!  I did not get to visit my family very often, so I really missed the turkey, the cranberry, the flavors of sage and celery, and my Grandma Sixkiller's Jalapeno broccoli rice casserole.  When I was following a grain free diet a few years ago, I made turkey tenderloin with freshly sauteed green beans, almond flour dinner rolls, orange cranberry sauce, and this "baked holiday stuffing" recipe I found from The Paleo Diet Cookbook (i think it's that book...)

2 T extra virgin olive oil
4 large celery stalks, diced
1 medium yellow onion, diced
4 portobello mushrooms, coarsely chopped
1 medium shallot, minced
1/2 cup chicken broth
2 T freshly ground flaxseed
2 T minced fresh sage
4 ounces Brazil nuts, toasted and coarsely chopped

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Heat olive oil in a cast iron skillet over medium flame. Add celery, onions, and mushrooms and stir occasionally for ten minutes. Toss in shallot and continue cooking for two minutes. Pour in broth and stir. Remove from heat.

Stir in flaxseed, sage, and Brazil nuts. Bake for twenty minutes.

Aside: I have not yet planned one dish for my 2015 Thanksgiving meal ...